Korea Standard Cloud Security Platform
Real-Time Threat Detection Cloud Security Posture Management
Through Tatum CSPM, you can enhance visibility and comply with data security regulations more accurately. Furthermore, you can perform all tasks, such as establishing strong policies within a unified platform for your cloud infrastructure and identifying misconfigurations, more seamlessly.
It is easier to enhance the protection of cloud workloads across hybrid and multi-cloud environments, and you can protect your data to an overwhelming level by leveraging comprehensive visibility and contextual insights.
Built Around the Principle of Least Privilege
Tatum CIEM enables efficient management of user identities, permissions, and roles in cloud environments. Security teams can identify and assign only the permissions necessary for tasks, minimizing unnecessary access, reducing attack surfaces, and ensuring secure, well-managed cloud infrastructure.
Project One
Private Cloud
environment also wants to achieve the best security.
Expanded application of cloud security to private clouds
Integrated management of workload security and micro-segmentation
ONE Cloud Project
I'd like to maintain
the same level of security
even with
a large-scale migration to the cloud."
Maintain the financial compliance level at on-premises level
Regular and irregular self-audits for multi-vendors such as AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.